Wednesday 27 May 2009

Skiing in La Thuile

Back in the Easter holidays, a group of Sixth Form and ISC students and staff headed to La Thuile in Italy for the annual d'Overbroeck's ski trip.

As ever, the group consisted of a wide range of experience levels – from beginners through to advanced skiers and snowboarders. So while the less confident received introductory lessons and guidance, the more experienced members of the group were able to polish their skills under the tuition of and expert Interski instructor.

The week began and ended with excellent weather – fresh snow and sunshine – marred only by a two-day lapse during which conditions were less favourable. But spirits were high throughout the week, with everyone's skills improving markedly.

Of course, daytime skiing was not the trip's only entertainment: as well as discos (enlivened by costumes ranging from togas to 80s all-in-one ski suits), activities included ice skating, a quiz night and the presentation of ski awards.

In the last of these, six of our students were presented with a 5-star merit award by their instructors – only one level from the rarely-achieved highest grade.

Overall, a fantastic trip ... Here's to next year's ...

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Improving our email bulletins

In a few days' time, those of you who have subscribed to receive email updates from the Sixth Form newsfeed will notice a few changes to the emails we send out.

We're moving our email delivery service to a superior system, which will allow us greater control over the appearance of the messages. We hope this will result in more attractive news emails.

I'm already subscribed – do I need to do anything?

If you already receive email updates from us, your subscription will automatically switch to the new system, so you won't have to sign up a second time.

We do recommend, though, that you add the address to your address book or email whitelist – to ensure that your mail system does not trap our news emails as spam!

I'm not currently subscribed – how do I sign up?

If you'd like to receive the news items we post on this page direct to your inbox (rather than having to check our website for updates), why not subscribe?

Friday 15 May 2009

Come along to our art exhibition

by Emmie van Biervliet

This weekend, Leckford Place School will metamorphose into an art gallery containing an exciting, diverse array of work by Sixth Form and Leckford Place students, as well as parents, staff and local artists.

We'll also be showing the winning entries to our Primary School Art Competition.

Having already seen some of the work that'll be on show, we're eagerly anticipating a superb exhibition. And we'd be delighted if you'd come along.

The show will be open from 10am to 4pm on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 May – and entry is, of course, free to all. See location on Google Maps.

We hope to see you there!

by Paul Amey

Tuesday 12 May 2009

Summertown Carnival: Art, Music and Juggling

On Saturday, Summertown in North Oxford was alive with colour and sound – thanks to the street festival organised as part of Artweeks.

The joint d'Overbroeck's Sixth Form and Leckford Place School stand offered younger children the opportunity to contribute to a giant collaborative piece of art:

... Whilst Sixth Former Steve Litherland entertained onlookers with an impressive display of juggling.

Musical accompaniment, meanwhile, was provided by Evie Oswald, Sarah Pearson and Kathryn Poon.

Many thanks to the students and staff who gave up their time to help make the street festival such a great success – and to those friends of the College who came along to visit our stall.

Below, a slideshow of photos of the event:

Friday 8 May 2009

BBC Radio Oxford Artweeks Interview

Earlier today, d'Overbroeck's Principal Sami Cohen was a guest on Jo Thoenes' BBC Radio Oxford show.

Sami and Jo discussed Artweeks and the College's links with the festival – which kicked off on 30 April with a very successful launch party hosted at Leckford Place School. Sami also spoke about developments at d'Overbroeck's, and how the College has changed since he first joined as a languages teacher.

You can listen again to Sami's interview via iPlayer.
(The interview starts at around 20 minutes in)

As Sami mentioned, Saturday's street festival in Summertown will feature performances and workshops given by d'Overbroeck's students ... so if you find yourself in North Oxford tomorrow morning, do come along and join in the carnival atmosphere!

Finally, we reiterate our open invitation to come along to the d'Overbroeck's Sixth Form and Leckford Place exhibition.