Tuesday 25 August 2009

Mansour interviewed on BBC Radio Oxford

One of our A level stars, Mansour Ahmed, was interviewed on BBC Radio Oxford yesterday. He chatted to presenter Jo Thoenes about his family background, multiculturalism and staying up all night before getting his results.

The interview then moved onto Mansour's time at d'Overbroeck's – settling in, falling in love with Computer Science, and the difference that getting an Access Scholarship has made to him.

Listen again to the interview on iPlayer (from around 1hr 08)

Thursday 20 August 2009

George collects results from Cadbury's, Brazil

The results day of George Meagher was a little different from that of many students – insofar as he received his results halfway through a placement at the Brazil HQ of chocolate firm Cadbury's. He's there as one of 100 students selected from all over the UK to represent the country as a Prime Minister's Global Fellow.

We'll write more about George's exploits when he returns – and confine ourselves in this post to congratulating him on gaining straight A grades in Biology, French and Business Studies. Meanwhile, though, you might like to read his Global Fellowship blog.

See all of today's results stories

Straight As for Rosie, Sammy and Mae

Here are Sammy Hornsby and Mae Yip, shortly after collecting their results today.

Sammy (some of whose art we featured in our A level gallery a few months ago) gained A grades in Art, Classical Civilisation and English Literature, whilst Mae's were in Chemistry, Maths and Business Studies.

Mae is the youngest of three siblings, all of whom have studied A levels at d'Overbroeck's – so these results mark the end of an era … However, we look forward to welcoming Sammy's younger brother to the Sixth Form next year.

Similarly, whilst we're bidding farewell to Rosie Cohen (above) – who gained As in Drama & Theatre Studies, English Literature, French and Spanish – her sister Zanni will be joining us next year.

… So that's the news from a few of our d'Overbroeck's families!

See all today's results stories

A Lancastrian Business delegation

Next up in our results day features is a trio of upper sixth who are all bound for Lancaster University to study Business.

Above is Phil Anderson, going over his results with Head of Business Andrew Gillespie – he has an A in Business Studies and Bs in Economics and Politics.

Julian Jansen, meanwhile, has notched up four A grades – in Business Studies, German, Politics and History – as well as an AS level C in Maths.

Finally, Andreas Josephides achieved 3 As (in Film Studies, Business Studies and French) alongside a B in PE.

Congratulations to all three of our Lancaster-bound businessmen ...

Some statistics...

Here are some early statistics on this year's results:

Subject highlights
  • 100% A grades in Accounting, Ancient History, German and Philosophy
  • 80% A grades in Communication & Culture
  • 79% A grades in Biology
  • 76% A grades in Chemistry
  • 75% A grades in Computing, Psychology and Spanish
  • 73% A grades in Maths
  • 71% A grades in English Literature
  • 67% A grades in Business Studies, Classical Civilisation
  • 65% A grades in Economics
  • 100% A/B grades in Communication & Culture, Computing, Film Studies and History

Overall statistics
  • 61% A grades
  • 83% A/B grades
  • 94% A-C grades

More student stories to come this afternoon! Read all the results day stories so far

4 As for Mansour -- and a place at Cambridge

Mansour Ahmed achieved a run of four straight As – in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Computing – and has already been snapped by the local press.

The College's Access Scholar, Mansour joined us from Cheney School. His four A grades will confirm his place at Cambridge to read Computer Science.

See all today's results stories

A level results day

We're delighted to report our best ever set of A level results: 61% A grades, with 1 in 3 students gaining straight As.

Congratulations to all our students on such an outstanding performance.

Over the course of Results Day, we'll be updating this news page with more information about the results and stories from a few of the students as they come in to collect them. So stay tuned for more!