Wednesday 14 December 2011

Annual 10k Race

On Sunday 11th December, the d’Overbroeck’s Sixth Form running team headed to Bicester Sports Ground for the annual 10k race.  For several of the d'Overbroeck's team it was their first 10k competition and thanks are due to George Vlachonikolis who has been busy training the runners. Amazingly, George  also ran the race despite having had an appendix operation just 10 days before!

Annie Hutt was the first of the team to finish, coming 32nd in the ladies competition. The rest of the results are as follows:

Gender Position Overall Position Time
Annabelle Hutt 32 225 47:40
Joe More 247 316 52:20
George Vlachonikolis 253 326 52:52
Vendula Dohnalava 80 354 54:35

Unfortunately, Vladimir Milic's chip failed to record both his time and place, but we can confirm he was seen crossing the line with a big smile on his face somewhere in the lower 50+ minutes!

Well done to all who took part.

Monday 5 December 2011

In the Spotlight: Andis Cekuls

Congratulations to one of our first year sixth students, Andis Cekuls, who recently performed at the Albert Hall with the Oxfordshire County Youth Orchestra. Andis is an extremely talented musician who previously studied in Riga where he was a member of two orchestras: the Jazeps Medins Riga 1st Music School Symphony Orchestra (conductor Laura Staša) and the Kazanovas Orķestris (conductor Toms Rēķis).

Since coming to Oxford this year Andis has joined the Oxfordshire County Youth Orchestra playing the double bass. This orchestra, along with a mass choir and the brass section of the Oxford Schools Symphony Orchestra, recently performed a new work called "Oxonia" by Dr John Traill at the last night of the Music for Youth Schools Prom at the Albert Hall. Dr Traill is the Director of Music at St Anne’s College and Lecturer at St Catherine’s College, Oxford. Oxonia explores the many facets of Oxfordshire’s history, starting with a geographical journey along the River ISIS/Thames, then answering the question – that appears on so many Oxfordshire postcards – ‘The more we study, the more we learn, the more we learn, the more we forget, the more we forget, the less we know, so why study?’, with verses dedicated to Oxford politicians, world leaders, Olympic medal winners, scientists, literary figures, musicians, and more.