Friday 2 October 2009

A busy first few weeks at the Sixth Form

We've had a busy first few weeks at the Sixth Form. Lower Sixth students have met their Directors of Studies and are already getting stuck into their AS courses, while Upper Sixth are up and running with their A2s.

Everyone's had a chance to choose their term's extracurricular activities at our (bustling) Activities Fair, while events like the Welcome BBQ and Movie Night have helped new students to get to know one another and make friends.

Meanwhile, rehearsals have already started for the Sixth Form student production of 'Alice in Wonderland'; ex-student George Meagher has returned to talk about his time as a Prime Minister's fellow in Brazil; and Upper Sixth students have embarked upon this term's UCAS preparation programme – of which we'll be posting more news shortly.

Meanwhile, here's a selection of photos from the Lower Sixth Welcome BBQ – sumo-suits and all.

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