Tuesday 9 February 2010

Photo of the month: Rory Matthews

The above image, by Upper Sixth student Rory Matthews, is the first of a new series of posts featuring work by some of our most talented sixth form photographers.

The photo itself doesn't require much in the way of description: dark, intense and full of narrative power, it speaks for itself.

Read on for a short interview with Rory about his approach to photography ... and more examples of his work.

When did you start taking photos?
I only really began seriously during the summer after secondary school when I was given a compact camera as a reward for passing my GCSEs.

What makes a great image?
I think that composition has got to be the most important part of a picture: anything can be made interesting if it is caught in the right way. Following closely in importance is lighting: even the most interesting of subjects can be badly lit, and this will ruin a shot.

What inspires you as a photographer?
I’m not sure why, but shortly before seriously starting to try and take photographs I began to pay attention to a world that had been passing me by. I realised that there were lots of beautiful things to see if you took the time to look. I think photography followed on fairly naturally from this.

Any photographic ambitions?
I really hope that I can take the documentary or photojournalism route. I’d like to travel back to Africa where I was born, and spend time with a family or group and photograph them over an extended period.

What’s photography A level been like here at d’Overbroeck’s?
d’Overbroeck’s has been the perfect environment – and an immensely important part of my personal development. It has a relaxed environment that fosters a determined and focussed attitude amongst it’s students toward work. I hadn’t been anywhere like it before.

The above images are just a tiny selection from Rory's work – and we'd encourage you to browse his online portfolio to see more: Rory Matthews' photos (via Flickr)

All photos are © Rory Matthews, all rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

I would like to rate the Rory's great photos with 5 stars but I couldn't find how to do it.
No doubt he has talent and a good eye for photography.

Tom said...

Hi Jose, thanks for the comment -- I'm glad you agree about Rory's work.

There isn't a way to rate the photos directly, so leaving a comment as you have done is a good way of responding.

Thanks again,
(Communications at d'Overbroeck's)