Thursday 4 March 2010

Alice in Wonderland - whetting your appetite for next week's shows

With only a week to go before our Sixth Form production of Alice in Wonderland, we thought we'd post this quick video interview with Daisy Grieve and Emma Gonnella – the two Sixth Form students who are directing the production (you may remember our first interview with Daisy and Emma back in October).

— So, without further ado, over to Emma and Daisy to give you a taste of what to expect, and tell you why you should book tickets to come along (if you haven't already)...

(If the video above isn't displaying, here's a link to watch it on YouTube).

To recap, the performances of Alice will be on Thursday 11 and Friday 12 March at 7pm, at the OFS Theatre in Oxford. To book tickets (£5 for adults; £3 for children/students), please telephone 01865 310000 or email us. Hurry, as both nights are filling up quickly ...

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