Monday 15 March 2010

An eerie trip to Wonderland

Last week's performance of Alice in Wonderland was produced, directed and acted exclusively by Sixth Form students.

In his famous novel, Lewis Carroll admirably recreates the surreal and arbitrary nature of dreams, in which connections need not always be logical and the usual laws of cause and effect are suspended.

Taking its cue from this, the production emphasised the kaleidoscopic, dreamlike nature of Alice's adventures. At times, the dream in question seemed disconcertingly close to a Freudian nightmare, with a number of menacingly intense performances, spartan set design and music/sound (composed and recorded by Sixth Former Gidon Fineman) that veered from cacophony to eery atmospherics to maniacal jubilance. However there was also some light relief in the form of several entertainingly unhinged cameo performances.

Pacey, energetic and imaginative, the production succeeded in leaving the audience themselves feeling a little as if they – like Alice – had just emerged from a mesmerising dream ...

Below, you'll find a slideshow of photos taken at the dress rehearsal and performance.

Watch the slideshow on Flickr

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