Tuesday 7 February 2012

Art Teachers' Exhibition

An exhibition of work by some of the county's art teachers is taking place at the O3 gallery in Oxford. The selected artwork, which spans a range of creative disciplines, has been submitted by a number of educators from university lecturers to primary school teachers.

One of those exhibiting is Sharon Wyper who teaches art here at d'Overbroeck's. The work she has on show, The Whole is the Sum of its Parts (pictured below) is one of seven paintings created as part of a residency at 'Diamond Light Synchrotron,' where Sharon worked with scientists looking at tiny structures, including, in some instances, those on a nano scale.

The Whole is the Sum of its Parts - Sharon Wyper
Sharon writes:

"The piece shows part of the molecular structure of a virus that was discovered through work at the Synchrotron. I painted on an electrical drum-cable end that I 'up-cycled' from the Synchrotron's debris as I wanted to include an aspect of the work of the engineers and electricians in the functioning of the synchrotron which enabled the scientists' work. As an art teacher I find important to also continue my own artistic practice, something which this exhibition celebrates."

The exhbition runs until 19th February.

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