Monday 27 February 2012

An Inspirational Talk by Filda Abelkec-Lukonyomoi

Just before half term Filda Abelkec-Lukonyomoi spoke to a group of Lower Sixth students as part of the Enrichment programme. Filda was a warm, engaging and inspirational speaker who had students mesmerised from the very start. Her story was based on her life in Uganda from early childhood, the difficulties she and her family faced during Idi Amin’s rule and then the subsequent upheavals during further civil war and disturbances.

Filda was forced to leave the country as a refugee first to Kenya and then later to the UK in 1989 with her five young daughters. During this time her husband was killed and her teenage son taken from her- she believes that he died in neighbouring Sudan. She managed somehow to tell this story with humour and compassion and the strength of her character to survive through all these atrocities was amazing. Her strong Christian faith was something that gave her strength to continue.

“When duty calls," she said, "you can do almost anything". This, she explained, was how she survived and managed to care for her family.

The impact on students was clear ; comments afterwards included "what have I got to moan about in my life," "I felt tears welling in my eyes at several stages during the talk."

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