Tuesday 4 September 2012

Welcome to the new academic year!

Monday was the first day of the new academic year and we have already got off to a busy and exciting start in the Sixth Form. We were delighted to welcome over 130 Lower Sixth students arriving to meet their Director of Studies and the Head of Departments, and find out more about the year ahead.
Helping them find their way around were over 30 student helpers from the Upper Sixth including the Student Mentors, each of whom works with a group of new students in their first few weeks making sure they settle in easily. The rest of the Upper Sixth returned in the afternoon and teaching for all students started on Tuesday.

Looking back on the activities last year it is amazing to see how much was achieved  such as the excellent exam results , the trip to Namibia, the ski trip, Young Enterprise,  the numerous competitions and awards (from poetry to the Maths Olympiad), the  drama productions,  the charity fund raising and the departmental visits such as trips to Berlin and Salamanca ; all of which led to a very positive and productive year.

However, this is not time to stand still and already we are looking ahead to events such as the Winter Concert, the  College musical- Les Miserables- and the trip to Iceland next year!

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