Tuesday 23 October 2012

Photography trip to London

On Wednesday 17th October, the Upper and Lower Sixth photography students went on a visit to galleries in London. There were 14 of us in total who took an early train to Paddington. When we arrived in London, we had a little bit of time to take some photos for ourselves; there were some great things to photograph, even though we looked like tourists with big cameras around our necks! (One of my photographs is shown above).

Our first stop was the Tate Modern. I really enjoyed our visit to the Tate as we explored an exhibition based on a photographer we are currently studying- William Eggleston.I especially liked the vibrant colours; at the time the photos were taken colour was unusual because most photographers produced black and white images. It was great to see a lot more of Eggleston's work and it gave me some more ideas on how to present some of my work for the future.

The second visit was to the Barbican gallery. It was a little smaller than the Tate, but we managed to look around another exhibition which also included some photographers we are currently studying in class such as Ernest Cole.

We enjoyed lunch beside the cathedral of St Pauls and had another opportunity to take some good photos.

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