Monday 25 February 2013

Economics Game Theory Day

Written by student, Matthew Kitchen

"The Economics day was a huge success as all studying the subject took part in various activities to challenge our strategic minds. The day started to my surprise, with Simon presenting the group with £250 from his own wallet. The game he wagered was simple, everyone in the room had to write down how many times they would like to be entered into the draw for the money and whoever was picked would win the original amount divided by how many people entered. To no one’s surprise Simon didn’t need to pay a penny as people entered themselves thousands of times. 

My favourite part of the day was an activity George set up where we had to use Economic principles that we had learnt in the A2 course. It was a price strategy game where producing certain quantities would affect the world price, which in turn led to either profits or in most cases large losses. We found it extremely easy to manipulate the price and in doing so helped Ben Barnett win the prize. We were also very privileged to have Professor Bliss talk to us about Game Theory as he was able to introduce many people to ideas such as the prisoner’s dilemma. Huge thanks to all the members of the Economics staff for putting on the day as it was extremely enjoyable."

Economics students and teachers

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