Friday 8 March 2013

Geography Field Trip

A review by Lower Sixth student, Jake de Buriatte

On the 4th March 24 AS  Geography students headed up to Preston Montford with their three teachers, Kate, Louise and JP for a 3 day field work trip. When we arrived, we spent the day doing experiments about infiltration and hydrography in different areas – urbanized, cultivated and vegetated locations, as well as settling into our dorms for the next couple of nights.

On the second day, we went to the Carding Mill valley, where we carried out experiments on the rivers. We were gifted clear blue skies and warm weather - all in a picture perfect landscape. 

We worked our way down the river, from the source, measuring velocity, width, efficiency and discharge at several different points.

On our third and final day at the center, we went in to the county town of Shrewsbury to look at flooding. We split of into several small groups, and went to collect data from different zones within the town, carrying out a risk assessment of flooding with in the different zones. We spent the last part of our day looking at the multi-million pound flood defenses that were put in place after the devastating floods of 2003. 

All-in-all this was a really interesting trip and great to see the theories that we had learnt in the classroom in the real world. I can't wait for the next one!

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