Thursday, 25 April 2013

Judo (student and staff success)

Two members of d'Overbroeck's College have taken part in the annual Oxford & Cambridge Universities, Judo Varsity match.The two Universities have a non-student event in which Dmitry Zharkov and Henry Winney competed for the Oxford Team. They didn't let the college down, between them winning three fights with no losses.

Dmitry was first up, showing some dogged determination to defeat his much older opponent in a tough contest by throwing him over his shoulder for the maximum score. After such a strong performance Dmitry was invited to compete in an exhibition fight, against the ex-President of Cambridge University Judo. Dmitry didn't disappoint. With speed and stunning technique he threw his opponent twice, the first a large lift and the second sweeping his opponent's feet away to secure his second win. This was fantastic from Dmitry, competing against men several years older than himself.

Henry was pitted against an experienced black belt, more than 10kilos bigger than himself. Undaunted, he set about breaking down his opponent over the first two minutes of the fight and was able to nimbly avoid the attacks that were thrown his way using spectacular aerial spins. He was forthright in attack and dogged in defence, looking dangerous whenever the fight went into the groundwork stages. After just two-thirds of the allotted time Henry pinned his opponent to the floor in a vice-like hold. Henry's opponent was so firmly tied by the strong and technical pin that he couldn't even struggle and the fight was awarded to Henry.

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