Thursday 23 May 2013

AQA Baccalaureate Projects

As you know we were one of the pioneers of the AQA Baccalaureate in the UK believing that it provides an excellent preparation for the demands of university. One important element of the AQA Bacc is the extended project which develops valuable research skills and enables students to explore areas of interest in depth. Most of the projects this year were dissertations but they also included a dance performance, a piece of film work and a piece of creative writing.

The areas of study included:

Carey Chen: 'Carey’s happiness index; to what extent has unprecedented economic growth contributed to the improvement of living standards in China?'

Emily Smith: 'Dance for Life – a dance production in support of the charity Interact’.

Duncan Churcher: 'Pegasus Bridge – a historical novella.'

Julius Gard: 'How has radio physics improved the practice of medicine?'

Isaac Guard: 'Options for sustainable future energy development.'

Olivia Johnson: 'Shelley – a short film.'

Alex Latcham-Ford: 'Why is the evangelical movement so influential in contemporary American politics?'

Ben Ryde: 'A brief history of AndalucĂ­a’s recent demographic change, the effects this has on the physical geography of the region, and the potential future sustainability of the area.'

Flo Shekleton: 'Depression; a biological, environmental or social construct?'

Julian Solomon: 'Jobs v. Cook; leadership theory and practice.'

Toby Sun: 'Why is China’s economic structure so distinctive?'

Congratulations to all those who have submitted projects and for their interesting and engaging presentations.

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