Thursday 9 October 2008

Former student shares secrets of business success

Entrepreneur – and former d'Overbroeck's student – Claire Watt-Smith spoke to Sixth Form Business Studies students, yesterday. Claire's company, BoBelle, is an online retailer of fair trade fashion, babywear and gifts, with an emphasis on sustainability and ethical sourcing.

Claire spoke about the rewards – and the challenges – of entrepreneurship, as well as the strategies and tactics she adopted in the running and promotion of BoBelle. From 5am rises and haggling with traffic wardens to negotiating with billionaire businessman Philip Green, she gave an insight into the life of the small business owner.

Having studied A levels in Business Studies, Communication Studies and French, Claire has found herself using many of the skills she developed while at d'Overbroeck's – whether in budgeting, PR or international trade shows.

What does Claire feel was the most valuable legacy of her Sixth Form?

"Confidence, definitely. Having that belief in myself. And also self-reliance and discipline: not doing things because you're told to, but under your own steam. d'Overbroeck's started that spirit. If you turned up to a class late, you didn't get in – so you learnt to manage your time effectively and motivate yourself."

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